Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gardening ... Once Again!

I was an avid gardener. Always hot on daddy's trail whenever he goes about doing the digging, planting, watering and trimming. Off late he fell of the radar and so did I.
We get loads of wild scrubs and very pretty looking flowers blossoming all over. They get to stay on until Mr. Lawn mover man comes visiting. Life does find a way!
Grandpa got me some packets of seed to plant, hoping for me to spend more time outdoors. In a Styrofoam box, I've planted chillies, corianders and some curry leaves. So far they are looking very promising and I've made a promise to myself to tend to them regularly.
And then there is some very unique looking ones that neither daddy nor myself are able to identify. It was given to us by a family friend who's got a penchant for bonsais.
Anyone know what plant this is?

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