Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Smart Kids 2010

This year's Smart Kids Fair at PWTC was bigger than ever. Not that I've been to them year after year but somehow the amount of walking done justifies the size.

It was a father daughter affair so we left early hoping to be the first 1000 eligible for a goodie bag. We thought we had a good chance thinking how many people were willing to pay an entrance fee and sacrifice their Sunday ... how wrong we both were about it.

The turnout was unbelievable. People may have been there as early as 8 for the opening at 10:30. We were in que for 30 mins before reaching the entrance.

I got to play with lots of educational toys from various vendors and service providers. Again Grolier was there and another surprising item that caught my eye.

Pingu English Training Books and tapes. Based on a stop-motion claymated TV series, Pingu doesn't talk. I wonder how kids would relate.

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