Saturday, July 17, 2010

I've turned 3!

Four days ago I celebrated my 3rd birthday. Lately my antics hasn't gone down well with daddy and I'm constantly under his radar. How's a child to grow with so much pressure...

The morning started at the temple and was I happy to get Lord Ganesha's blessings. Being a work day, not many people were around so I had him all ears to me!

I'm not a student at this kindergarden but I spend a good 20 to 30 mins. 3 times a week during their break time. I've made some good friends and what better way to celebrate your birthday then being among friends.

Grandpa had cake and breakfast arranged for everyone. I gave out little goodie bags to my friends. They had a blast and this would have given them ideas to hold their own birthday's in the class among friends.

Thanks to Spain, daddy finally got off the TV and we had some kick around late afternoon. He's very competitive and I guess being my birthday and all, I got the best of him.

Later in the evening we went out for dinner. Out of all the presents I received, this defines me.

On a recent business trip to Bangalore, daddy got me this. Barbie in a saree. What good is a toy kept in a box and left for showcase? It's like he got this for himself ...

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