Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bieber Fever!

A beautiful head of hair and a sexy look will instantly electrify and attract teen girls. I may not fall into that age category yet but it's no harm in starting early. Am I a 'Belieber'? ... not to that extend yet but I certainly did catch the fever recently.
Here's Justin from the Ellen show proudly displaying his fashion statement which includes a long scarf hanging from his back pocket.
Here's Johnny Depp from the Letterman show with what seems like a rug hanging on the right side of his jeans. He once said, 'I may have a feather duster down my pants'. No idea what that meant but the cloth could come in handy cleaning after his kids leave the table.
And how are the 2 heartthrob's linked to me? Well I got my hanky dangling from my jeans too. Cool looking or not, it serves me the purpose if I end up with running nose.
Ain't that look something ...  

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