Monday, November 1, 2010

Deepavali - 5 Days to Go!

The festivities are not an easy thing to go by. We really need a plan ... tracked on Microsoft Project and perhaps a Project Manager to work closely on them.
Despite having a fair amount of munchies for the big day, we are behind time with couple of major ones that still needs to be prepared. We're already running out of storage space.
From what I hear, there's a cake, another 2 types of cookies and maybe some packet drinks to buy. For certain households there's the thrill in last minute preparations but I for one am not up to it. I should hire daddy as the PM, my financial standings gets better on Deepavali day so I should be able to pay him for his services.
Here's something interesting I came by today while helping the elders with the food stuff. The source of water mentioned on this bottle is 'Treated Pipe Water supply'. We had to get couple of them while we were out, so the learning here is to invest on a basic water purifier & carry a water bottle from home at all times.

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