Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ears Pierced!

I was under the impression my ear lobes were spared until I turned 5 but I guess I was wrong. The man (daddy) who feared it the most ended up planning the whole thing.

I got it done on Friday as it turned out to be an auspicious day for it. A family friend who's a goldsmith by profession did the honors. His suggestion to go with a pair of red starter studs complemented my complexion to perfection. Apologies on the blur photo ... daddy's hands were still trembling.
We decided to go with the modern approach using this fancy little gadget. The Piercing gun. It was a wise choice compared to enduring mega pain doing this the traditional way. I admit, I had a tear or 2 when I got hit but the pain went away soon enough. Uncle Goldsmith handed me a candy for being brave but daddy needed it more so I gave it to him instead.
Well all major events in my life is a celebration so we headed for a good lunch right after. Both me and daddy weren't in the mood for any heavy stuff after that ant biting experience so we decided to have small portions and shared it on the same banana leaf ...
Yesterday we were at the hypermart to get some essentials and was surprised to see Manny and Sid roaming around. They must be tired with all the ice and opted for some sunshine in Kepong.


dhena said...

hi sathya..

hope daddy has recovered from the trauma..

aunty d

Unknown said...

Oh yes Aunty ... Manny and Sid cheered him up