Friday, July 31, 2009

Time for School?

We were hanging out around Bangsar last weekend. It was a trip made purely to burn time. We stopped at Bangsar Shopping Center and then headed down to Bangsar Village.

We didn't really shop for anything specific, just bought all that we window shopped. I had a funny feeling about this trip cause daddy was busy stopping by all the early child development centers.

They had quite a few at these 2 places and it turned out, he was checking out a place to have me enrolled!

He must have narrowed down to Gymboree cause that's where he spent the most time. It turns out the place offers creative learning, music, art and kiddy sports.

I was quite impressed at it and it wasn't going to be too taxing either since the classes are for an hour a week covering a year long curriculum. Daddy didn't sign up immediately but he did mention we might return for a trial class.

Well the kids looked like they were having lots of fun, I would just have to find out myself.

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