Saturday, July 26, 2014

Morning Dim Sum Breakfast

Waking up late has become a privilege since I started junior school. Weekends are maximized in catching up on lost sleep and missing the all important meal of the day.
Brunch becomes the norm and Menjalara is the place for it. Dim Sum was savoured today and I enjoyed the top right choice very much. I don't know what's it called but it had a combination of 3 different meats!
The Eden Dim Sum City consists of 2 shop lots with large seating space and the waiters are always on constant move offering wide variety of Dim Sums.
We popped into Tesco right after to grab my long delayed birthday present. I striked a deal with daddy to keep my spending within budget and settled for a Barbie.
She'll blend in well with my other collections.

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