Monday, October 12, 2009

Deepavali - 5 Days to Go!

What's a festival if we don't have fireworks to go with it. With great knowledge comes great responsibility so I won't be seen anywhere within a radius of 50 feet from a firecracker.

Dad shared some horrifying tales of firecracker playing gone wrong. This year not only small quantity, we also settled for the least dangerous ones. They are deadly no matter how small they look, so it's gonna be daddy taking the bull by the horn.

The decorations at the porch is done with new sets of twinkle lights. We decided on a better quality one so it cost a little more and hopefully less blown fuse.

Baking continues with the classic 'Ghee Biscuits' completed today. They've always been a family favourite. The baking took place in the antique Toshiba HGR-200E. From what I've heard, the last of these were rolled out the production line 25 years ago.

It's a family superstition, we always do the serious baking in this old fella.

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