Monday, October 24, 2011

Deepavali - 2 Days to Go!

With 2 days left for the big day, a massive round of cleaning took place this morning. Daddy employs part time cleaning services for daily chores so we leveraged on them.
It's a daunting task hence we tried to help as much as we can moreover if you have a living room sofa that needs 3 people to lift ... Phew ... need I say more.
We continued rounding up with the munchies complimenting the delicacies as they are must have on top of the traditional ones. With the new TV, I would certainly wanna kick back and munch while I enjoy the cinema like experience.
Fireworks is still found openly sold all around the city. It's easy to spot them for it's always displayed in a fold-able table by the payment. Probably because it would be an easy getaway if the authorities shows up.  
I'm guilty as charged for I myself contributed to the sales. Deepavali is never complete if you don't have fireworks. Assurance given that they are all minor sparklers and played under adult supervision.

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